Jul 27, 2024  
2022 - 2023 College Catalog 
2022 - 2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies/Procedures and Registration Information

Fall and spring registration dates are established each semester for new and returning students. While every effort will be made to meet the educational needs of each student, registration is conducted on a seat-available basis. Courses listed in the catalog will not necessarily be offered every semester. The College reserves the right to cancel course offerings for budgetary reasons or because of lack of enrollment. Every attempt will be made to notify students if a selected course has been cancelled.

The College offers credit and credit-free instruction during its winter intersession, which runs from late December through early January, and during summer sessions. The exact dates of the winter intersession and summer sessions may be found in the appropriate course schedules that are mailed to area residents, distributed through the Registrar’s Office, and online at: GatewayCT.edu or http://www.online.commnet.edu. Courses are open to all Gateway Community College students, students from other colleges, and any interested adults.


Tuition and fees for students who register for general fund/tuition account courses at multiple colleges within the community college system shall be charged as follows:

  1. Full-time Students – Students who have paid full-time student tuition and fees at their “home” institution shall be exempt from further charges. Copies of the student’s tuition and fee receipt from the “home” institution should be accepted by the “host” institution in lieu of payment.
  2. Part-time Students – The charges for students who have paid part-time student tuition and fees at their “home” institution and register for additional courses at the “host” institution shall not exceed the amount charged for a fulltime student, if the student’s combined registration at the “home” and “host” institutions would classify them as a full-time student. Copies of the student’s tuition and fee receipt from the “home” institution should be accepted by the “host” institution, and the “host” institution should charge the difference between full-time tuition and fees and the amount paid to the “home” institution as indicated on the “home” institution receipt. The “host” institution must notify the “home” institution of the multiple college registration. Any change in student status that would warrant a refund of tuition and fees will be based on the combined registration at the “home” and “host” institutions. Students who register at multiple colleges whose combined student status is less than full-time shall be charged as a part-time student for the semester credits registered at each of the respective colleges.

Change of Address, Email Address, or Name

If you change your address, your email or your name, please notify the Registrar’s Office immediately. It is of the utmost importance that the college have the most up-to-date contact information on record. Failure to keep your information current is likely to result in delays in receiving grades and other official correspondence from the college. If you are a current student and not employed by the Community College System, name change requests must be submitted in person to the appropriate office at your college accompanied by Official Photo Identification and a Certified Copy of one of the following:

  • Probate Court Decree ordering a name change
  • Superior Court Order dissolving a marriage and explicitly ordering restoration of the name of a party
  • District Court Order associated with an immigrant becoming a U.S. Citizen
  • Marriage License.

NOTE: “Certified Copy” refers to an original decree, Order, or License with raised gold seal or other stamp providing indicia of authenticity, including contact information for the issuing authority.

Changing Your Class Schedule

You are urged to seek advice from an academic advisor if you have any questions about changing your classes. Making changes to your course load or schedule without consulting an advisor may slow progress toward your educational goals. However, the permission of an advisor is not required to change sections of the same course. To add or drop a course, or change to another section of the same course, you must complete the Add/Drop procedure. (See “Add/Drop Procedure”.)

Add/Drop Procedure

Add/Drop forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and in the Counseling Center. To add or drop a class you must complete and sign the appropriate form during the Add/Drop period, which is published in the current semester schedule. Please note the following procedures:

  • Submit the Add/Drop Form to the Registrar’s Office during the specified hours, which are posted.
  • If there is a seat in the class that you wish to add, you will be entered into the class.
  • The signature of an academic advisor or faculty is required for additional courses, but not for time changes.
  • You may not register for a closed course without the written permission of the instructor.
  • Drop slips must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office during the published time frame and do not require an advisor’s signature.
  • If you drop a course prior to or during the first fourteen (14) calendar days of a semester, you are entitled to removal from the official class roster and the course will not appear on your official transcript.

Please note: Payment is due when a course is added. If no payment is made, the student will be disenrolled from the course. The add/drop dates are strictly enforced; no add/ drops are accepted after the deadline published in the course schedule.

Changing Your Degree Program

If you wish to change enrollment from one degree program to another (e.g., from General Studies to Liberal Arts), you should obtain a Change of Curriculum form from the Student Success Center, Room N213.

To change your degree program, you are required to see a counselor who will explain the procedures for changing your program. (A coordinator’s signature is required for several programs; please see the Change of Curriculum form for specifics.) Once signed and approved, the completed Change of Curriculum form must go to the Registrar’s Office to be processed. The title of your new program will appear on your transcript. Follow the same procedure if you wish to add a second program of study.

To change from non-degree status to a degree program, a student must provide verification of high school completion and immunization.

Semester Honors

  • Full-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program and who successfully complete 12 or more credits of work in a semester with a grade point average of 3.4 or higher shall be recognized by having their names placed on a Dean’s List.
  • Part-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program are also eligible for such recognition when they have completed 12 or more credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher. They may be subsequently recognized at the completion of an additional 12 or more credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher, and at successive intervals of 12 credits.
  • A course Withdrawal or Incomplete shall make the student ineligible for Dean’s List recognition that semester. Upon completion of the Incomplete, the student may be recognized retroactively.
  • Students who are in a probationary status are not eligible for Dean’s List recognition, even if their cumulative grade point average might otherwise make them eligible.

Graduation Honors

Students with exemplary academic performance shall be recognized at graduation with the following designations:

  • Highest Honors for students with 3.9 – 4.0 grade point average
  • High Honors for students with 3.7 – 3.89 grade point average
  • Honors for students with a 3.4 – 3.69 grade point average

Students with an Incomplete may become eligible retroactively for graduation honors upon completion of the course requirements. Recognition shall appear on the transcript, provided that the student has earned the required grade point average.

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

Gateway Community College has an active chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Phi Theta Kappa is the honor society of two-year colleges. Students are invited to join the Alpha Xi Theta Chapter, as full members if they have completed at least 12 associate degree credits at Gateway and have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.5. Qualified students are inducted into the Honor Society during the Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony held each fall and spring. Alpha Xi Theta also accepts provisional members with less than 12 associate degree credits at Gateway or students with 12 associate degree credits at Gateway and have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.3.

Statement on Academic Satisfactory Progress

  • The grading system employed by each college should accurately reflect the academic achievement of the student. In order to ensure appropriate use of state resources available for the education of its citizens, each college will develop procedures to monitor satisfactory progress through its warning, probation, and suspension policy.
  • This policy shall be applicable to all students enrolled in developmental and/or credit courses, no matter the number of credits for which they are enrolled.
  • No course may be repeated for credit more than twice. The highest grade received will be used in calculating the student’s academic average. This does not apply to those courses that are designed to be repeated for additional credit.
  • Satisfactory completion of fifty percent of the credits attempted (this phrase means actual continued enrollment beyond the add/drop period) will be the minimum standard for good standing.

Academic Warning

  • Students who have completed 11 or fewer credits whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) falls below 1.5 will be given a written warning. Students who have completed between 12 and 30 credits inclusive whose CGPA falls below 1.7, and those who have completed 31 or more credits whose CGPA falls below 2.0, will be given a written notice that they are placed on academic probation.

Academic Probation

  • A student placed on academic probation will be (a) required to take a reduced course load for one semester; and (b) acquire a “C” average, or better, in courses attempted during given semester in order to show academic progress.
  • When appropriate,, credit limit increase is initiated through the Student Success Center.

Academic Suspension

A suspended student must wait at least one (1) semester before registering for courses. After academic suspension, students who wish to enroll again must comply with the following criteria: (a) receive academic advising, (b) acquire a “C” average in courses attempted during given semester in order to show academic progress and (c) be limited to a maximum of two (2) courses until a 2.0 accumulative GPA is achieved. The process to appeal the required semester suspension is initiated through the Student Success Center. If not satisfied with that decision, the student may initiate an appeal to the Dean of Student Affairs.

Academic Integrity

At Gateway Community College we expect the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in accordance with the Board of Regents’ Proscribed Conduct Policy in Section 5.2.1 of the Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual. This policy prohibits cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaboration on assignments, unauthorized access to examinations or course materials, plagiarism, zero tolerance for threatening, intimidating, and violent behavior, and other proscribed activities. Plagiarism is defined as the use of another’s idea(s) or phrase(s) and representing that/those idea(s) as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally. (Excerpted from the Board of Trustees Policy 5.2.1, amended 2/26/90). In addition, at Gateway Community College, unauthorized use of any electronic device to convey information during examinations and all other forms of assessment is considered academic dishonesty.

Academic Standards

A student with a GPA of 2.0 or higher is considered in Good Standing. Only students in Good Standing may register as full-time.

To remain eligible for continuation of studies, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) equal to or above the minimum stated in the Academic Standards criteria for the number of credits they have completed.

11 or fewer credits with less than 1.5 GPA Written Warning
12 - 30 credits inclusive with less than 1.7 GPA Written Notice of Academic Probation – Reduced Course Load
31+ credits with less than 2.0 GPA Written Notice of Academic Probation – Reduced Course Load
31+ credits with one semester probation earning less than 2.0 GPA Written Notice of Academic Suspension

Course Load

A full course load will normally consist of four to five courses, 12 credits or more depending upon the student’s major and degree of academic preparedness. Students wishing to take more than the normal course load for their major during the second or subsequent semester may, provided they have maintained an average of 3.0 or better during the preceding semester, register for one additional course upon the recommendation and approval in the Student Success Center. All appeals regarding course load must be made to the Dean of Student Affairs.

Course Substitution

The substitution of a course requirement with another similar course must receive permission from the appropriate department chairperson, program coordinator or the Dean of Academic Affairs. A Course Substitution Form must be completed with the appropriate department chair or program coordinator’s signature.

 Grading Policy

(Modified 9/9/20 per BOR Policy 4/16/20)

All colleges will use the same system of values for grades awarded. Values to be used for all calculations of grades, averages, and related matters, are as follows:

  A 4.0   C 2.0   Temporary Grade: I - Incomplete
  A - 3.7   C- 1.7   Administrative Transcript Notations:
  B + 3.3   D+ 1.3      
  B 3.0   D 1.0   AU Audit  
  B - 2.7   D- 0.7   P Pass  
  C + 2.3   F 0.0   UF Unearned F (did not attend)

The Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be calculated to two decimal places, based on quality points and the number of credits attempted.

To determine the number of quality points earned in a course, a student’s numerical grade is multiplied by the number of credits associated with the course (semester hours). The total of all quality points earned by a student is then divided by the total number of credits attempted. The result is the student’s GPA. Reports of the final grades for the semester may be obtained online through My Commnet at www. mycommnet.edu.

Students enrolled in non-credit courses through Corporate and Continuing Education are awarded Continuing Education Units (CEUs) on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis.

Temporary Grade

I - Incomplete

  1. An Incomplete is a temporary grade assigned by the faculty member when coursework is missing and the student agrees to complete the requirements. Although a student may request an Incomplete, the faculty member is not required to honor the request. The faculty member should assign an Incomplete when there are extenuating circumstances such as illness that prevent a student from completing the assigned work on time and the student has completed most of the course requirements and, in the judgment of the faculty member, the student can complete the remaining work within the time limit established by system policy.
  2. A faculty member who assigns an Incomplete shall file a system report form that includes:
    1. a brief description of the requirements to be completed;
    2. the date by which the coursework must be submitted to the faculty member, which is the end of the tenth week of the next standard semester;
    3. a statement that the Incomplete will change to a specified letter grade if the work is not completed by the end of the tenth week of the next standard semester.

      The faculty member shall keep the original signed form, with copies to the student, the academic dean, the registrar, and such other appropriate parties as the college may identify.
  3. All Incompletes must convert to a letter grade by the end of the following semester. If a student submits the required work on time, the faculty member shall calculate a grade to replace the Incomplete and submit it to the registrar by the end of the semester. If a student fails to complete the required work or fails to submit the work by the specified time, or if the faculty member fails to submit a replacement grade, the registrar shall convert the Incomplete to the letter grade specified in the report form, and that letter grade shall be entered on the student transcript.
  4. Students with an Incomplete are temporarily ineligible for semester or graduation honors. Upon conversion of the Incomplete to a letter grade, students may retroactively receive semester or graduation honors, and such recognition shall appear on the transcript, provided that the student has earned the required grade point average.

    Students in a Allied Health or Nursing program (Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Fitness Specialist, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, Radiography) must complete all required course prerequisites before registering for any program-specific math, science, and/or Allied Health or Nursing courses.

Administrative Transcript Notations: 

“AU” - Audit

An administrative transcript notation for students auditing a course.

Students not wishing credit may audit a course. This status will allow them to participate in class activities without being required to meet the examination requirements of the course. Students may ask to have papers critiqued, but faculty members are not required to grade an auditor’s course work. Full tuition and fees are charged for courses audited. A student who wishes to change from credit to audit status must request this within the first four weeks of the course, using such forms and procedures as the college may prescribe. Students auditing a course may not change to credit status.

Audited courses may be repeated in a subsequent semester for credit by re-registering and paying the appropriate tuition and fees. The structure of the course should not be altered in consideration of the number of students auditing the given course.

“M” - Maintaining Progress (added 9/9/20 per BOR Policy 4/16/20)

Used only for developmental courses to indicate that the student is maintaining progress, but not at the usual rate. It may be given to a student for a course only twice.

“P” - Pass

An administrative transcript notation for successful completion of courses taken on a pass/fail basis. Students failing will receive a grade of “F”.

With the permission of the instructor, a student may take an elective course on a Pass/Fail basis. Any student who has satisfactorily completed at least 12 credits may take advantage of the Pass/Fail option. The student must notify the Records Office in writing of this intent no later than one week following the Add period. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a grade of “P” or “F.” No other grade will be reported. The “Pass” grade will entitle the student to an appropriate number of academic credits toward graduation. A “Pass” will not be computed in the student’s quality point average (GPA). Only one academic course may be taken under the Pass/Fail option during a semester.

All clinical courses in the Radiologic Technology programs are offered only on a pass/fail basis.

“UF” - Unearned Failure (Removed 9/9/20)

This notation is awarded to students who were enrolled in a course, did not officially withdraw, but who failed to participate in course activities through the end of the term. It is used when, in the judgment of the instructor, completed assignments and/or course activities were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible.

“TR” - Transfer

An administrative transcript notation in lieu of grades for courses accepted for credit from other colleges and universities.

“W” - Withdrawal from a course

An administrative transcript notation used to indicate that a student is withdrawn from a course in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the college.

Students who withdraw officially from semester credit courses through the Records Office within the first fourteen calendar days of the fifteen-week semester will be removed from class rosters. Students withdrawing after the first fourteen calendar days but before the end of the tenth week will receive a grade of “W”. A student with a grade of “W” will be ineligible for academic honors for that semester.

During the Summer/Winter sessions, students who withdraw prior to the first day of the credit course will receive no grade for the course. Generally, if a student withdraws after the first class and prior to the last date of withdrawal for each Summer/Winter session, the student will receive a grade of “W”. Please consult the Records Office. Students are encouraged to carefully read the academic calendars for each Summer/Winter session.

After the above deadlines have passed, withdrawal from a course may be granted and recorded on the student’s permanent record as “W” if extenuating circumstances are found to justify the withdrawal.

“W” grades are not computed in the quality point average. If a student stops attending class, however, and fails to officially withdraw from the course, the instructor may issue a grade of “F”.

“F” grades are calculated in the quality point average. To be official, all withdrawals must be received and processed by the Records Office.

”*” - Grades with an asterisk”*” (before the Fall 2004) or ”^” - Grades with a carrot “^” (starting with the Fall 2004)

These administrative transcript notations indicate the Fresh Start Option has been invoked. Those grades will not be calculated into the student’s GPA, but any course in which the student received a grade of C- or above can be used to satisfy graduation requirements.

”#” - Grades with a pound sign “#”

This administrative transcript notation indicates the courses are developmental and do not carry any credit for graduation nor are calculated into the student’s GPA.

Academic Engagement

While none of the community colleges are considered attendance-taking institutions, they are required to verify the academic engagement of each student in each registered course by demonstrating “academic attendance” or an “academically-related activity” for Title IV purposes. This must be completed prior to the predetermined census date of each traditional semester, as well as during periods of enrollment shorter than the traditional 15-week semester (i.e. summer terms). The purpose of this practice is to identify students who have enrolled in coursework, but have not demonstrated an academically-related activity as a means to accurately report official college enrollment and meet the regulatory standard of compliance.

Required Activity Prior to Census

All students are required to demonstrate academic engagement (defined below) in each of their registered courses no later than the predetermined census date of each period of enrollment. Students who make this demonstration in at least one of their registered courses shall be considered to have begun the period of enrollment. Students who do not make this demonstration in any registered courses shall be considered to have not begun the period of enrollment.

Students Who Begin a Period of Enrollment

Students who begin a period of enrollment shall be counted in official census data, reflective of their actual enrollment status. Students who then cease engagement in their coursework, without officially withdrawing from the college prior to the end of the withdrawal period, shall be assigned a letter grade of “F” with a corresponding last date of academic engagement for each affected course. These students shall be considered an unofficial withdrawal from the college, and be subject to Return of Title IV regulations, if applicable. The latest date reported by faculty shall be the date of determination for unofficial withdrawal from the college.

Students Who Do Not Begin a Period of Enrollment

Students who are determined to have not academically engaged in a period of enrollment leading up to census shall be assigned a registration status of “Never Participated (NP)” for each affected course. Students assigned an NP for all courses shall be removed from the period of enrollment, and shall be counted as “never attended” for enrollment reporting purposes. Courses with an NP designation are not counted toward a college’s official census, and affected students are not eligible to receive financial aid for courses assigned this status.

NP – Never Participated

A registration status used for students who have enrolled in coursework, but have failed to engage in an academically related activity by the predetermined census date. Students who receive an NP designation are no longer permitted to attend a course section after an NP has been reported. Additionally, they are not eligible to receive a final grade, and not eligible to access the learning management system for the affected course section.

Academic Engagement

In accordance with federal regulatory definition, academic engagement (otherwise known as “academic attendance” and “attendance at an academically-related activity”) includes, but is not limited to:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction;
  • Attending a study group that is assigned by the institution;
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.
This does not include activities where a student may be present, but not academically engaged, such as:
  • Logging into an online class without active participation; or
  • Participating in academic counseling or advising.
The institution must make a determination of “academic attendance” or an “academically related activity;” a student’s certification of attendance that is not supported by institutional documentation is not acceptable.

Instructor-Out Hotline: 866-315-2769

To check if your instructor is going to be absent, you may call the hotline prior to class. If a faculty member is going to be late or cannot meet due to an emergency, he or she should make every effort to inform you. Many faculty members will notify you during the first class sessions about how such situations will be handled. In the event that a faculty member is more than 20 minutes late arriving for class, you may:

  • Go to the Dean of Academic Affairs (N321), the Evening Administrator (N104) or the office of the department chair for that academic area for guidance.
  • Circulate an attendance sheet with the course number and section for each student to sign and submit it to one of the officials above. You are free to leave if you have received no other directions.

Faculty Office Hours

Faculty members are willing to meet with you to discuss individual concerns or to provide assistance. At the beginning of the semester, each of your instructors will provide you with his or her office hours, office location and phone number. If you want to consult a faculty member, it is best to make and keep a specific appointment. You can, however, stop by the faculty member’s office during his or her listed hours.

Faculty Out Hotline

Students can determine if an instructor has cancelled class for any reason by calling the Faculty Out Hotline at (866) 315-2769.


By enrolling in classes at Gateway Community College, you accept responsibility to take full advantage of your educational opportunity via regular attendance in your scheduled classes and laboratories. The college, therefore, does not administer a uniform system of monitoring attendance. For purposes of record keeping, all instructors keep their own attendance records.

At the beginning of each semester, each instructor will delineate clearly the expectations necessary for the successful completion of the course. All students are expected to meet the academic obligations outlined in the syllabus, or to assume the risks incurred by failure to do so.

Enrollment Status

Degree students are those who have satisfied admission requirements and are enrolled in a planned program of study that will result in a certificate, Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in Applied Science degree. Nondegree students take courses but do not wish to be enrolled in a planned program of study leading to a certificate or degree. Any student may apply to a degree program at a later time. For instructions on how to do so, please refer to the regular application procedures.

Full-time students enroll for 12 credits or more. Part-time students enroll for 11 credits or less. Full-time students may take a fifth credit class. Students registering for more than 17 credits must pay a nominal fee of $100.

Fresh Start

  1. Colleges shall have a policy called Fresh Start, which will allow students who have not attended college for a period of two or more years and who have a poor academic record to refresh their Grade Point Average (GPA) and develop a more favorable academic record. Students accepted for enrollment under Fresh Start will meet with a designated college official to determine their academic status for re-entry into the college.
  2. All grades previously earned will remain on the student’s transcript. The semesters for which Fresh Start is invoked will include a transcript symbol indicating that the policy is in effect. The original GPA will not be included in any subsequent computation of the new GPA. If the Fresh Start option is approved, the student will receive credit for courses with a grade of C-minus or above, including “P” (Pass).
  3. The Fresh Start option can be used only once.
  4. The Fresh Start option does not apply to any completed degree or certificate.
  5. A student must complete a minimum of 15 credits after returning to college under the Fresh Start option to be eligible for a degree or certificate, and for graduation honors.
  6. Each college is responsible for developing its own procedures for managing Fresh Start, including where and how the student applies, what forms are used, who approves the application, and how the student’s progress is monitored.

Withdrawal from Individual Course(s)

If you wish to withdraw from a course, you should understand the policies outlined below.

  • DO NOT SIMPLY STOP ATTENDING CLASSES. Students who stop attending classes rather than officially withdrawing from a course may be subject to probation, suspension or dismissal. This has a permanent impact on your official college transcript.
  • You are encouraged to speak to an advisor or counselor before withdrawing from a course. To withdraw from a course, obtain a Withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office or the Student Success Center. In addition, please note the following policies:
  • A student who wishes to withdraw from individual course(s) may do so up to the tenth week of class. After the tenth week, and prior to one week before the last day of classes, withdrawals are permitted only with the signature of the instructor.
  • If you withdraw from a course after the ADD/DROP period, you will receive a grade of “W” in each course.

Withdrawal from the College

A student who wishes to withdraw from the College may do so by the last day of classes by contacting the Registrar’s Office and completing the withdrawal process. (Deadline date are outlined by the Registrar’s Office) A grade of “W” will be given for each course not completed at the time of withdrawal. A student must complete a readmit application if he/she desires to return to the College after a two-year time period.

Repeating a Course

Student may not enroll in the same course more than three times. Please note that current Financial Aid policies only allow for payment of the same course for two attempts. If a course is repeated, the highest grade received will be used in calculating the student’s academic average. This does not apply to courses that are designed to be repeated for additional credit.

Individualized Instruction

Students and instructors may arrange for individualized instruction in a catalog course not offered in a given semester. An Individualized Instruction Permission form shall be completed and signed by the student, the instructor, the Department Chair, and the Dean of Academics. This form, available in the Records Office, may be submitted during registration but no later than the end of the Add/Drop period.

Independent Study

Independent Study provides special opportunities beyond the course offerings of the catalog. To be eligible, a student’s cumulative grade point average must be 3.0 or better.

Interested students must fill out an Independent Study form, describing the objective(s), justification of the study, nature of the learning outcomes, learning methodology, and evaluative criteria. After the form has been completed, it must be signed by the instructor and the student. The student must then submit the form to the Office of Dean of Academic Affairs for final approval. The student must also obtain an Add slip from the Registrar’s Office or the Student Success Center, in order for the study to appear on the student’s record. Upon completion of the independent study, a brief written evaluation will be attached to the student’s permanent record. This evaluation will be submitted to the Registrar with the grade report.

Students shall be limited to three (3) Independent Studies at GCC. Only one (1) Independent Study may be taken per semester. No Independent Study may begin in the student’s first semester.

Technology Statement

Success in personal, academic, and work environments requires the acquisition and use of information and technological literacy skills. The Connecticut Community College system is committed to providing experiences to help you achieve that success. In many of the courses offered at Gateway Community College students may be required to perform some or all of the following technology-focused activities during and/or outside scheduled class time:

  • Access course materials (including assignments, readings, audio or video recordings, or tests) using Blackboard and/or the Internet,
  • Perform research using the Internet and online databases,
  • Complete class assignments in word-processed or other computer-generated format, or through the use of other technology as designated by the instructor,
  • Communicate electronically with the instructor or other students in class.
  • See your instructor for specific technology requirements

Distance Learning (DL)

Phone#: 203.285.2570

Email: GW-DistanceLearning@gatewayct.edu

Coordinators: Lynn Roller and Don Walker

Gateway Community College offers numerous courses utilizing the Blackboard Learning Management system available to Connecticut Community College students. Blackboard allows instructors to post materials, messages, tests, assignments, grades, and to communicate with students online. Various courses delivery methods use Blackboard:

  • ONLN: instruction and learning conducted fully online
  • OLCR: online instruction with orientation and testing conducted on campus
  • HYBR: a blend of on campus and online instruction, reducing the amount of “seat time” in the classroom (40% on campus-60% online)
  • Web-Enhanced: traditional on campus class that utilizes online material to enhance the course

Online courses/presentation is similar to a traditional on-campus class. All the elements of the course are maintained; instructor, classmates, syllabus, course material/content, textbooks, lectures, discussions, tests, assignments, due dates/times, and grades. Student can expect to spend the same amount of time on the course material as in a traditional course.

For example, a traditional 3-credit would meet for class on campus for 3 hours per week. Instructors generally expect 1 to 2 hours of out-of-class work for each hour spent in class, for a total of 9 to 12 hours per week. The 3 hours of class time is spent online, these courses are not generally self-paced which means student must adhere to the dates/times outlined on the course syllabus.

Characteristic of a successful online student:

  • Highly motivated, organized, independent learners
  • Possess good time management skills
  • Have good reading, writing, and communication skills
  • Be able to perform basic computer literacy skills
    • Keyboarding, web browsing, word processing, email, attaching files, etc.)
  • Have regular and reliable access to a computer with internet access

Students automatically receive a system email with helpful introductory information when they register for an ONLN, OLCR, or HYBRID course. Be sure to check your GCC email on a regular basis for important notices.

Please check the GCC Distance Learning web page for support: http://www.gatewayct.edu/Offices-Departments/Academic-Affairs/Distance-Learning

Please contact the Distance Learning faculty with any comments, questions, or concerns. Student orientations and guidance is available throughout the semester.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

In addition to earning traditional credit through completion of college courses, students may earn up to 30 credits for knowledge acquired outside the college classroom from such experiences as paid or volunteer work, on-the-job training, vocational training, hobbies or self-initiated study. In general the college awards credit when a student demonstrates competence in areas that are required in the student’s program of study. A student can demonstrate competence through the following methods of assessment.

  • Standardized Tests such as Advanced Placement Exams, given during high school administered by College Board or College Level Examination Program (CLEP), also administered by College Board, enable students to earn college credit in academic disciplines ranging from mathematics to foreign language by achieving sufficient scores on either exam. Test results must be submitted directly to the Admissions Office for review and acceptance of credit. Information about exams and registration procedures is on the College Board website, www.collegeboard.com/clep. A transcript of each exam must be sent directly to the admissions office for review. Credits earned through this method can be sent directly to other institutions for review upon transfer however, acceptance is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
  • Credit for Previously Evaluated Training for instance, by the military or professional organizations and associations, can be earned if the program has been previously evaluated. Charter Oak State College and the University of the State of New York have evaluated many training programs offered by public and private noncollegiate organizations in Connecticut and New York. In accordance with Board of Trustees policy, GCC will award credit to students who have successfully completed non-collegiate sponsored instruction and various health training programs including: the Basic Police Training Program conducted by the Municipal Police Training Council; training conducted by the Commission on Fire Prevention and Control and Bureau of the State Fire Marshall; the Pre-service Orientation Program conducted by the Connecticut Department of Corrections; the American Institute of Banking Program of the American Banking Association; and Licensed Practical Nurses are eligible for advanced placement in the Nursing program based on the Connecticut Articulation Model for Nursing Education Mobility. Students should first petition the Admissions Office for direct award of credit. Students can also utilize the PLA Credit for Prior Training program coordinated by Charter Oak State College by visiting www.CharterOak.edu. Credits earned through previously evaluated training can be submitted to other institutions for review upon transfer however, acceptance is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
  • Assessment by Examination allows students to earn GCC credit for courses that address GCC graduation requirements. A faculty member chosen by a Department Chair/Division Director and approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs develops and administers the exams. Qualified faculty administer individual tests to determine whether a student will be awarded credit without having taken a course. Contact Career Services at (203) 285-2144 to determine whether an examination has been approved for a course, to obtain the Credit by Examination application or for more information about the process. To apply to take an exam in one or more courses, a student must submit a Credit by Examination form for each course to the chairperson of the department or program coordinator in which the course is offered. The student must state on the form how the relevant knowledge was gained. The department chairperson designates a faculty member who, upon approval by the Academic Dean, administers the exam. The Academic Evaluation Fee is $15 per test. Credit earned through Assessment by Examination is institutional credit, it can be applied to graduation but is not typically transferred out to other institutions.
  • Assessment by Portfolio allows students to demonstrate competence in one or more courses in their program of study. The student must compile a portfolio that includes relevant leaning experiences, detailed descriptions of skills corresponding to competencies taught in the college courses, and relevant supporting documentation as defined by faculty assigned to oversee the process. The Department Chair and/or Program Coordinator will designate a faculty evaluator approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs. The Portfolio Assessment fee is $50. Contact the Career Services Office at (203) 285-2144 to obtain more information about the process. Students can also utilize the PLA Portfolio assessment program coordinated by Charter Oak State College by visiting www.CharterOak.edu. Credit earned through portfolio submission is institutional credit, it can be applied to graduation but is not typically transferred out to another institution.


Graduation is NOT automatic! The final responsibility for meeting program requirements rests with the student. Students are strongly encouraged to see a counselor to verify their eligibility for graduation PRIOR to the start of their last semester.

  1. The Student Success Center reviews and evaluates student transcripts for graduation. Students enrolled in degree programs should request an initial transcript evaluation after earning thirty (30) credits. Students enrolled in certificate programs should request an initial transcript evaluation after earning nine (9) credits or completing one-half (1/2) of the requirements.
  2. Students should complete a preliminary graduation audit online at the Student Success Center. An official graduation audit is then conducted by the Records Office. Student MUST submit a graduation application by the posted dates in order to be audited and awarded a degree.
  3. A candidate for graduation will be evaluated under the most appropriate catalog, as follows:
    1. For DEGREE STUDENTS - the catalog under which the candidate first enrolled shall be used to determine graduation requirements, except in the following cases:
      1. If the candidate was readmitted to the College after an absence of four or more consecutive semesters, the catalog under which the candidate was readmitted shall be used.
      2. When the candidate changes programs during attendance, the catalog in use at the time of the last change in program shall be used.
      3. If there has been a change in the General Education requirements of the program, the candidate must fulfill the new requirements prior to graduation.
      4. The Registrar’s Office determines that either the catalog of readmission or the current catalog should be used for graduation.
    2. For CERTIFICATE STUDENTS - the catalog in force at the time of enrollment shall be used, unless the Registrar determines that either the catalog of readmission or the catalog of graduation should be used.
  4. To graduate, a student must: (1) have a cumulative quality point average of at least 2.0; (2) have the minimum semester hours of credit; and (3) successfully completed the required and elective courses as designated by the curriculum, and (4) fulfilled all financial obligations to the College.

Awarding of Multiple Associate Degrees

  1. A student who already holds an academic degree may earn a second degree in a different curriculum at a community college. Such a student shall be treated similarly to a transfer student with respect to the minimum number of credits he or she must take for the second degree. This will require that a student meet all program requirements and earn at least twenty-five (25) percent of the minimum requirements for the new curriculum at the college through which the second degree is to be conferred.
  2. A student may earn two degrees simultaneously at a community college by fulfilling all requirements stated above.
  3. Requests for additional degrees beyond the second require approval from the academic dean. Students who receive approval must then complete all program requirements, including earning a least twenty-five (25) percent of the minimum requirements from the new curriculum at the college through which the degree is to be conferred.
  4. Completion of the requirements of an additional program option does not automatically constitute completion of an additional degree.


Students desiring to have official transcripts of grades mailed to other educational institutions must complete a Request on mycommnet or a Request of Transcript form in the Records Office. The form may be downloaded from the www. GatewayCT.edu website. Official transcripts will be mailed directly to other educational institutions. One to two weeks are necessary to process such requests. Two weeks before and after a semester begins or ends, it will be a minimum of two weeks to process. No official transcripts may be picked up.

Transfer Programs

Gateway is committed to assisting students in obtaining their educational goals. Should those goals include transferring an associate’s degree to a four-year institution, students may transfer to any college or university they choose. Students may have a lot of questions, such as whether their courses will transfer or whether they can change majors. If students have questions or are unsure of where to transfer for their bachelor’s degree, they should meet with an Advisor in the GCC Student Success Center or a designated Faculty Advisor to develop a transfer plan.

Transfer Opportunities at Gateway

Connecticut State College and Universities (CSCU) Transfer Ticket Degrees

CSCU’s Transfer Ticket are new degree programs providing pathway for community college students to complete degree programs that transfer to Connecticut State Universities (Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western) and Charter Oak State College without losing any credits or being required to take extra credits in order to complete a bachelor’s degree in that same discipline. You will be able to transfer, apply to competitive admissions majors, and complete your BA/BS degree in the same time and with the same course requirements as students who start at a CSU or COSC.

The Transfer Tickets taking effect in the fall 2017 are:

Accounting French`
Art History
Biology Italian
Business Management
Business Administration Marketing
Chemistry Mathematics
Communication Physics
Computer Science Political Science
Criminology Psychology
Early Childhood Teacher Credential Social Work
English Sociology
Exercise Science Spanish
Finance Theater

Please visit www.ct.edu/transfer for details

For more information on CSCU Transfer Ticket Degrees

Please contact Dr. Lauren Doninger at ldoninger@gatewayct.edu

Gap Program to University of Connecticut (UCONN)

The Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP) is an agreement between the Connecticut Community College System and the University of Connecticut designed for students who plan to earn a bachelor’s degree in either Liberal Arts and Sciences or Agriculture and Natural Resources. To be eligible for the GAP program, students must have earned 16 or fewer credits at Gateway and be enrolled in our Liberal Arts and Science degree program. To find out more about GAP or to sign up for the program, see Dr. Lauren Doninger, Room S124C, (203) 285-2601.

College of Technology (COT) Engineering Pathway

The Engineering Science Pathway program allows community college students to follow an integrated curriculum at Connecticut’s public and private colleges and universities, allowing individuals to begin their studies at Gateway Community College and progress directly into a bachelor’s degree program at a 4-year university. The curriculum consists of two distinct pathways: engineering and technology. For more information please contact Professor Susan Spencer, Room S401E, (203) 285-2452. The student may transfer to the following institutions:

  • University of Connecticut
  • School of Engineering at the University of Hartford
  • School of Engineering at the University of New Haven
  • School of Engineering at Fairfield University
  • School of Technology at Central Connecticut State University
  • Charter Oak State College

RN to BSN/MSN Pathway

Students completing their RN program at GCC have many options via system wide articulation agreements. Graduates of the Connecticut Community College Nursing Program (CT-CCNP) have the opportunity to continue their education at a number of baccalaureate and advanced degree programs throughout the state and beyond. For a complete list, visit www.ct.edu/academics/nursing#agreements.

Articulation Agreements: